The First Open Laboratory - 第一回公開実験

On January 30th, 2016, Nagano Cinema Laboratory had our very first open laboratory. It was a great show and not only the laboratory members, but the people who came to see us really enjoyed it. Also, we are grateful for the beautiful Gallery Hanagura for hosting us and it was honor to perform in a historic building. It was very exciting night for all of us and cannot wait to do another one sometime soon!


Here's the highlight from the show:

Nagano Cinema Laboratory - Open Experiment

Lead by filmmaker Nao Nakazawa, a group of artists and musician will collaborate in this first installment of the live cinema series Nagano Cinema Laboratory's Open Experiment. Featured artists are: Art Maru (artist/musician), Jody Tenku (musician), Narue Kobayashi (artist/photographer), and Shimon Kato (artist/musician).

フィルムメーカーNao Nakazawa (中澤尚博)が立ち上げた映像、音楽、絵画、ダンスなどを取り入れたライブシネマ&パフォーマンスグループ。「今ここでしか体験できない芸術」をテーマにアングラ精神を引き継ぎ、幅広く芸術と音楽と映像の融合の可能性を追求していく。何が起こるかわからない公開実験では、ライブシネマを主にアドリブのパフォーマンスを交えて、つかの間の芸術空間の創造を観客と一緒に楽しんでいければと実験室員一同願っています。

日時:1月30日 19時〜21時